Saturday, August 30, 2014

Sacred: a new solid perfume from 19Candles

My friend Rachel at Heyoka Hideout shared "Palo Santo" with me recently. The wood from fallen Palo Santo trees has an amazing woody/spicy aroma, and can be burned like incense. She inspired me to come up with a solid perfume based on this fragrance, and after several weeks of trial and error, I came up with this blend of Palo Santo oil and 3 other essential oils. It's pretty great (if you ask me), and so I combined that with coconut and soy wax, poured into these unique vintage monogrammed silver lockets for a great portable perfume. This limited edition run of 10 lockets will only be available at Heyoka in Topanga. Thanks Rachel!

- Geoff

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Topanga Catalog Shots (19 Candles 2014)

I've been working on the 2015 edition of my product catalog (printed), and thought it might be cool to share the photos from the 2014 edition. These were all shot in and around Topanga using a Hasselblad 500c medium format film camera (80mm 2.8 lens). Enjoy!

Topanga State Beach

Topanga General Store

Topanga Creek Bridge

Roadside Buddha, Topanga Canyon Blvd

Coast Live Oak, Topanga State Park

Mesa Still Life, Topanga

Hidden Treasures, Topanga

Beach morning, Sunset & PCH

Fernwood Market, Topanga